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您的位置: 首页 > 旧版首页 >> 考试培训 >>> SAT >> 选择最佳SAT2考试时间
  When to Take an SAT II Subject Test
  The best time to take an SAT II Subject Test is right after you’ve finished a year-long class in that subject. If, for example, you take Chemistry in eleventh grade, then you should take the SAT II Chemistry near the end of that year, when the material is still fresh in your mind. (This rule does not apply for the Writing, Literature, and Foreign Language SAT II tests; it’s best to take those after you’ve had as much study in the area as possible.)
  Unless the colleges you’re applying to use the SAT II for placement purposes, there is no point in taking any SAT II tests after November of your senior year, since you won’t get your scores back from ETS until after the college application deadline has passed.
  ETS usually sets testing dates for SAT II Subject Tests in October, November, December, January, May, and June. However, not every subject test is administered in each of these months. To check when the test you want to take is being offered, visit the College Board Web site at www.collegeboard.com or do some research in your school’s guidance office.


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