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  SAT改进句子题:Improving Sentences Test 2

  1. A conjunction is used to connect words and sentences together.

  A. words and sentences together.

  B. words or sentences together.

  C. words and sentences.

  D. words or sentences.

  E. words to sentences.

  2. Antony, coming alongside Cleopatra's ship, climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her.

  A. climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her.

  B. climbed aboard without seeing Cleopatra or being seen by her.

  C. climbs aboard without Cleopatra seeing him.

  D. boarded without being seen by her.

  E. boarded without seeing Cleopatra.

  3. Bombast is when high sounding words for effect, not suitability, are used.

  A. is when high sounding words for effect, not suitability, are used.

  B. is the use of high-sounding words for effect rather than for suitability.

  C. is where high-sounding words are used for effect not suitability.

  D. is the using of high-sounding words for effect only.

  E. is when you use high-sounding words for effect rather than for suitability.

  4. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music: it has given me so much pleasure.

  A. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music:

  B. I would like to thank whomever it was that has written tha

  at piece of music:

  C. I would like to thank whomever it might be that wrote that piece of music:

  D. Whoever it was that wrote that piece of music, I would like to thank because

  E. I would like to thank whoever it was that wrote that piece of music,

  5. Your taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.sat

  A. Your taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.

  B. Your taking a loan to buy a car aggravated Father.

  C. You taking a loan to buy a car irritated Father.

  D. You taking a loan to buy a car annoyed Father.

  E. Father was annoyed by you taking a loan to buy a car.

  6. In the initial stages of learning a new language we learn more through listening and attempting to copy speech patterns and not through reading grammar books.

  A. and attempting to copy speech patterns and not through reading grammar books.

  B. and attempting to copy speech patterns than through reading grammar books.

  C. and attempts to copy speech patterns than through reading grammar books.

  D. and attempts at copying speech patterns than through reading grammar books.

  E. and attempts at copying speech patterns and not grammar books.

  7. Between you and I, I doubt that he will come.

  A. and I, I doubt that he will come.

  B. and I, I doubt that he would come.

  C. and me, I doubt that he will come.

  D. and me, I doubt that he would come.

  E. and me, I doubt whether he will be coming.

  8. Work that is not finished is not work at all, it is merely a botch, a failure.

  A. all, it is merely a botch, a failure.

  B. all, it is a botch merely, and a failure.

  C. all; it is merely a botch, a failure.

  D. all; the work merely is a botch and a failure.

  E. all; the work being merely a botch, a failure.

  9. Pollution and degradation of the environment is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern.

  A. is, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern.

  B. is, according to the report by the commission, a matter of universal concern.

  C. is, according to the report of the commission, matters of universal concern.

  D. are, according to the commission's report, universally a matter of concern.

  E. are, according to the commission's report, a matter of universal concern.

  10. Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement as for their being practical work clothes.

  A. Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement as for their being practical work clothes.

  B. Denim jeans were originally worn not so much as a fashion statement but for their being practical work clothes.

  C. Denim jeans were originally worn not so much



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