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1. If 10+x is 5 more than 10, what is the value of 2x ?

(A)-5   (B) 5   (C) 10   (D) 25   (E) 50

2. If(x -2)2 =49, then x could be

(A) -9   (B) -7   (C) 2   (D) 5   (E) 9

3. If this page was folded along the dotted line in the figure above, the left half of the letter W would exactly coincide with the right half of W. Which of the following letters, as shown, CANNOT be folded along a vertical line so that its left half would coincide with its right half?

(A) A   (B) I   (C) O   (D) U   (E) E

4. In a certain store, the regular price of a refrigerator is $600. How much money is saved by buying this refrigerator at 20 percent off the regular price rather than buying it on sale at 10 percent off the regular price

with an additional discount of 10 percent off the sale price?

(A) $6   (B) $12   (C) $24   (D) $54   (E) $60

6. Based on the portions of the graphs of the functions f and g shown above, what are all values of x between -6 and 6 for which g x f x ?

(A) -6 < x <-3 only    (B) -3 < x < 0 only   (C) 0 < x < 3 only

(D) 3 < x < 6 only   (E) -6 < x < -3 and 0 < x < 3

7. Point O is the center of both circles in the figure above. If the circumference of the large circle is 36 and the radius of the small circle is half of the radius of the large circle, what is the length of the darkened arc?

(A) 10   (B) 8   (C) 6   (D) 4   (E) 2

8. If x = 20 and y = 30 in the figure above, what is the value of z ?

(A) 60   (B) 70   (C) 80   (D) 90   (E) 100

9. If 6 < |x-3| < 7 and x < 0, what is one possible value of |x| ?

10. What is the product of the smallest prime number that is greater than 50 and the greatest prime number that is less than 50 ?


1.(C),  2. (E),  3. (E),  4.(A),  6. (B),  7. (D),  8. (B),  9.x < 4,  10.1300



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