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  1. category “A” prisoners A类囚犯

  =prisoners who are dangerous, and would be a danger to the public if they escaped from prison. 越狱后将对公众造成危险的重罪犯

  2. abandonment 放弃(自愿放弃某项权利,如财产权)

  = act of giving something up voluntarily (such as the right to a property)

  abandonment of a claim = giving up a claim in a civil action.



  e.g. Abandoning a child under two years old is a notifiable offence. 遗弃两岁以下儿童是一种严重的犯罪行为。

  3. abeyance 中止,暂缓

  e.g. This law is in abeyance. 此法暂缓执行。 = This law is not being enforced at the present time.

  4. ABH

  = actual bodily harm 实际人身伤害

  5. abode

  = residence, the place where someone lives 居住地,住所 right of abode = right to live in a country. 居住权(在一个国家的居住权)

  6. abolish

  = to cancel or to remove (a law or a rule) 废除、撤回(废止或废除法律或规定)

  e.g. The Chancellor of the Exchequer refused to ask parliament to abolish the tax on alcohol. 财政大臣拒绝让议会废除对烈性酒的征税。

  7. abscond

  = to go away without permission or not to return to the court after being released on bail or to escape from prison.


  8. absolute

  = complete or total 无条件的,绝对的

  absolute discharge = letting a convicted person go free without any punishment. 无条件释放

  absolute title = land registered with the Land Registry, where the owner has a guaranteed title to the land (absolute title also exists to leasehold land, giving the proprietor a guaranteed valid lease) 绝对的不动产所有权(指在土地登记处登记的土地,其所有人对土地享有 被担保的所有权。租借土地也享有绝对所有权,它给予物主一个有担保的 有效租借权。)


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