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您的位置: 首页 > 旧版首页 >> 考试培训 >>> LSAT >> 不同于以往的知识性考试--LSAT解密

  ◆◇About the LSAT 它不同于任何你以前参加过的知识性考试...

  The Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)* is unlike any test you've ever taken in your academic career.

  Most of the tests you've encountered in high school and college have more than likely been knowledge-based tests. The LSAT, on the other hand, is skills-based. It doesn't require you to regurgitate memorized facts; nor does it ask you to apply learned formulas to specific problems. On the LSAT, you will be required to think - thoroughly, quickly, and strategically.

  You need to learn how to tailor your existing skills to the specific tasks required by the test. You can't study for the LSAT; but you can certainly prepare for it.

  ◆◇What the LSAT Really Tests究竟它想考什么

  The LSAT is designed to test only the critical reading and analytical thinking skills that have been deemed necessary by the governing body of law schools for success in the first year of law school.

  These are skills that you already possess to some extent. You have acquired them gradually over the decade-and-a-half (or more) of your education. But what you probably haven't yet acquired is the know-how to use these skills to best advantage in the rarefied atmosphere of a standardized skills-based test.

  You will need to learn how to tailor your existing skills to the specific tasks required by the LSAT. This isswherestest preparation comes in.


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