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    When Should You Take the LSAT?
    Before you choose an administration, youll want to consider all of the implications of your decision. Here is a quick summary of upcoming test dates along with some factors to consider for each.
    June LSAT
    The June administration is the only test that is given on a Monday afternoon. If you have trouble functioning at the usual 8:00 am start-time, June may be a good option. Furthermore, taking the LSAT in June frees up your summer and fall to research schools and complete applications. However, June testers who are still in college must balance their LSAT preparation with both academic coursework and, in some cases, final exams. We recommend that you check your schools course schedules before deciding on a June LSAT test date.
    October LSAT
    The October test date will allow you to prepare for the LSAT during the summer (an attractive option for college students who may have some free time on their hands)。 Once youve taken the LSAT, you can spend the remainder of your fall completing applications.
    December LSAT
    December is the last LSAT administration that most competitive law schools will accept. If disaster strikes and you get a flat tire on test day, you may end up waiting another year to begin law school. December testers also must balance their time between preparing for the LSAT and completing law school applications. Doing so can make for a hectic fall, especially if youre still in college. You should also remember that, while a law school may accept December LSAT scores, taking the test in December could affect your chances of admission. Many law schools use a rolling admissions system, which means that they begin making admissions decisions as early as mid-October and continue to do so until the application deadline. Applying late in this cycle could mean that fewer spots are available. Check with your potential law schools to find out their specific policies.
    February LSAT
    If you want to begin law school in fall, the February LSAT will be too late for most law schools. However, if you dont plan to begin law school until the next year, you can give yourself a head start on the entire admissions process. Take the LSAT in February, then spend your summer researching schools and your fall completing applications.


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