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    Dr.Sheila Porter plans to run an experiment using nursing students.Each student will be show neither a pleasant nature film or a disturbing horror film.Each student will be observed by some one whos facial expressions shy pothesis?

    (A)Niles,the most convincing student in the experiment,later went onto become aphysician.

    (B)After graduating,Yoshiro,anursing student who was convincing in the experiment,helped care for Bram,apatientat a hospital.Bramre covered from his operation.

    (C)After graduating,Kim,anursing student in the experiment who watched the nature film,was removed from the staff of a hospital for unacceptable performance in patientcare.

    (D)Daria,anursing student who was convincing in the experiment,later received.Asin those classes in which working with patientsinate aching hospital was the sole basis of her grades.

    (E)Marite,anursing student who was not convincing in the experiment,later quit nursing school.


    首先第一题要在阅读时注意提炼出要点:本题提干的假定是:convincing-〉  willbeamongthebest‘‘atA。也就是说D在实验中表现出色,后来他也能够workingwithpatientbest.


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