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  政府是否应该重点投资解决贫困和失业问题 poverty and unemployment

  政府是否应该投资军备military forces

  政府是否应该投资在外太空的发展outer space exploration



  这些题目看起来千变万化,但是谈论的角度往往不是从这些领域是否需要政府的帮助入手,而是从政府的职能responsibility、政府的具体情况a particular condition、以及政府目前所面对的最主要问题main problems入手。而且关于政府投资的问题,还需要考虑钱是从哪里来的tax payment,是不是够用mostly what spent cannot make up what gained,是不是用得合理等细节a reasonable use。

  选择下面的题目,一方面是题目中没有明确的government的字眼,但是public money和people已经证明的这件事应该是关乎政府的;另一方面讨论的问题涉及到具体的medical treatment和抽象的lifestyles的比较。举例如下:

  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  Write about the following topic:

  Some people think it is more important to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment for people who are already ill.

  To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

  Write at least 250 words.

  It is true these days that health is quite essential in people’s life quality, and the amount of money spent by individuals or countries is soaring. For example, in most of the Chinese households the expense on dietary foods and medicines is higher than before, while the government invests increasingly high proportion of funds in building sports facilities to help the citizens to have a good physical fitness.

  I find it justified that spending public money on improving good lifestyle to prevent illness than spending it on the treatment illness sufferers, especially when the medical system is well-done and most of the patients can be given a good cure. If more facilities around the health are built and well run, more citizens can benefit from them by strengthening their body and resisting diseases. To prove it, many young people tend to spend time doing physical exercises in gym or public sport centers, and they have less chance to suffer from illness than those who have little physical practice.

  On the other hand, the idea seems to be unreasonable under the circumstances. If many sufferers do not have the simple treatment, the money should be paid for cures. It makes out that the money governed by the government has been paid by taxpayers including the citizens who used to make contribution to the society and pay taxes but is ill. Thus, when government decides the investment, the interests of these people should be carefully considered and even given priority.

  Personally, I think it much better to consume funds in the improvement of health. In spite, particular operation deserves to be analyzed and dealt with.




  文章讨论了政府是应该投资在完善医疗设备还是投资用于治疗疾病的话题。文章中的论点论据可以应用在以下扩展题目中“Prevention is better than cure”. Out of a country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?





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