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  31. Could you tell me something about your family? ( 5 - 8 )

  Certainly. We are a normal Chinese family. It consists of my father, my mother, and me. I am the only child, so I don’t have any brothers or sisters. My grandparents passed away when I was still very young, so I did not have the privilege of knowing them. My father was one of four children, and my mother has a brother, so I have a number of uncles and aunts, and many cousins.

  32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 5 - 6 )

  That’s a tough question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I think we have to have the policy in China. Our population had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done. Secondly, I believe the policy will give China a chance to move ahead in the world. What I mean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, China will be able to make progress in the fight against unemployment.

  32. What do you think of the One-Child Policy in China? ( 7 - 8 )

  That’s a controversial question in China. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly I believe that the authorities had to do something to curb the increasing problem of overpopulation. However, I am of the opinion that the One-Child Policy was extremely harsh on the people. Maybe the government should have started off by introducing a Two-Child Policy.

  33. Why do people in China traditionally want to have a son? ( 5 - 8 )

  That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe that fathers all over the world want someone to carry their name into the future. For example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy to receive his grandfather’s name. A second reason that I could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them after they had retired. They feel that when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future.

  34. Who does most of the shopping in your family? ( 5 - 8 )

  As far as this topic is concerned, I could say that my mother does most of the shopping, but my father and I will do some shopping from time to time. My parents allow me to buy my own clothes. Lastly, I would like to mention that my mother does not like my father’s smoking habit and therefore refuses to buy cigarettes, so that my father has to do that kind of shopping himself.

  35. Who does most of the cooking in your family? ( 5 - 8 )

  My mother does most of the cooking, but my father and I will do some cooking from time to time. For example, sometimes my mother will be out the whole day doing voluntary work in our community, and then my father and I will do the cooking for her. The second aspect I could tell you about regarding this topic is that we often eat out. For example, often on a Friday night none of us feel like cooking, and then we visit one of the local restaurants, and have our favorite dish.

  36. How does your family feel about you going abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

  They are very happy about me going abroad. I believe my parents will be very proud if I were to achieve a degree at a university abroad. In addition, they themselves never had the opportunity to study. I am their only child, and they would do anything in their power to allow me to have the opportunity.


  37. Are you married, and if so when did you get married? ( 5 - 8 )

  Yes, I am married. I got married about three years ago. I have a good husband / wife, and we are very happy together. To put it in another way you could say that we are best friends. For example, we do not keep any secrets from one another. We had known each other for many years before we got married, so we did not have to adjust too much. For example, I knew that he snores loudly when he turns onto his back when sleeping.

  38. Do you have any children? ( 5 - 8 )

  No, I don’t have any children yet. We are planning to start with a family as soon as we have our own apartment. Until then my husband / wife and I are working as hard as possible to improve our positions in the companies that we are employed by. We would both like to have a son and a daughter, but because of the one-child policy that will not be possible.

  39. What is your child’s name? Does it have any meaning? ( 5 - 8 )

  My child’s name is Li Ao Sheng. It says that he was born on the day that Macao became part of China again. His nickname is Bao Bao, as we believe that he is going to become a strong man one day.

  40. What does your wife do? ( 5 - 8 )

  My wife is a housewife at the moment. We are looking for a job for her, but it is not easy, as she does not have any qualifications or experience. They are opening up a new supermarket in our area soon, and we are hoping that she will be able to find a job there. She has placed her name on a waiting list, and we will be hearing from the employment officer soon.

  41. What does your husband do? ( 5 - 8 )

  My husband is a civil servant. He works for the Department of Health at a hospital near our home. He is responsible for keeping the patient records in the men’s wards. He loves his work, and is receiving a good salary, so we don’t have any serious worries. As a matter of fact we both agree that we have a lot to be thankful for.

  42. Did you have a honeymoon, and if so where did you go? ( 5 - 8 )

  Yes, We did have a honeymoon. We went to Dalian for a week, and stayed in a small hotel next to the beach. I will never forget the time we spent there. For example, it was very romantic, as we could sit on the beach in the evenings and watch the moon rising over the sea.

  43. Did you and your spouse have to ask permission from your parents before you could get married? ( 5 - 8 )

  No, not really. They knew we were going to get married. We only had to confirm the date with them to ensure that it would suit them and our families. In earlier times is was customary for the young man to get the permission from his girlfriend’s parents before they could get married.

  44. Is living together without getting married acceptable in China? ( 5 - 8 )

  It depends to what extent the couple would adhere to earlier customs. What I mean to say is that these days it is becoming more and more acceptable. For example, young people feel that they first want to get know each other even better by living together. When they are absolutely sure that they are able to adapt to each other’s lifestyles, they would then most probably decide to get married.

  45. Do you think couples should life with their parent or on their own? ( 5 - 8 )

  There are several reasons as for why I think couples should life on their own. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. Firstly, I believe couples should become independent as soon as possible. For example, they should learn how to cope with the money at their disposal. Secondly, I believe they should be alone as soon as possible. For example, should they have an argument, they have to solve the problem by themselves.

  46. What responsibilities should a couple take? ( 5 - 8 )

  There are several responsibilities that couples should take. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly. In the first place, I believe they should be responsible for their own finances. For example, young couples usually do not have a lot of money, and find it difficult to make ends meet. Secondly, I believe that later they have to look after their children. For example, they have to feed and clothe them, and ensure that they get a good education.


  47. Are there any traditions around the birth of a baby in your region? ( 5 - 8 )

  Yes, there are quite a few. Firstly, after the baby is born, the father will give his wife some flowers, and take photographs of the baby and her. When the baby arrives at home, the parents will make prints of its hands and feet. This, together with a paintbrush made by using some of the babies hair, will be kept as memorabilia.

  48. What kind of parent do you intend to be? ( 5 - 8 )

  That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all, I would love my child unconditionally. What I mean is that I realize my child is not perfect, but I will still love him/her even if s/he has made a mistake. Secondly, I would like to be known as a strict but fair parent. For example, I will not allow my child too many freedoms, but I will also try to understand his/her needs.

  49. What hopes or fears do you have concerning your children? ( 5 - 8 )

  That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I fear that my children will have a very hard life. For example, I wonder if they will have work to do. Secondly, I hope that they will be happy. For example, that they will find a good spouse, have children, and live together in peace and love.

  50. What type of culture do you want your child to grow up in? ( 5 - 8 )

  That’s a broad question. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I would like my child to grow up in a culture of love. What I mean to say is that I hope the circumstances in our home will full of love and understanding. Secondly, I hope my child will grow up in a culture where the finer things in life are important. For example, things like music, art, and studying should be part of his life from the beginning.

  51. Are you going to bring your children up differently from the way you were brought up? Why? ( 5 - 8 )

  No, not really. I believe my parents raised me well, and gave me a good education. If I could do the same for my child I would be happy. Maybe I would be a bit more modern. For example, I believe my parents were unreasonably strict at times. I would try and keep a balance between discipline and freedom.

  d) WOMAN

  52. Is there any sex discrimination in China? ( 5 - 8 )

  52. Describe the position of woman in China? ( 5 - 8 )

  One of the aspects I could tell you about regarding this topic is that there is some discrimination against woman in China. For example, woman who are doing exactly the same job as men, are getting smaller salaries. Secondly, women are not considered for certain high level positions, like for example, in government. In addition, in many communities in China, women are still regarded as inferior to men. This is particularly the case in the rural communities. Lastly, parents prefer to have a boy as opposed to a girl. This is an unhealthy situation, as it will disturb the balance between the number of men and women in China in the years to come.

  53. What are the causes of sex discrimination? ( 5 - 8 )

  One of the main reasons regarding this topic that I would like to highlight is the fact that men often determine the wages in the companies. Secondly, women are not seen as able to do certain jobs as well as men. For instance, construction work has always been seen as a man’s job. Lastly, many men still believe that a woman should stay at home, raise the kids, and be of service to her husband.

  53. What are the causes of sex discrimination? ( 7 - 8 )

  That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I believe that discrimination against woman have deep roots in societies all over the world. In other words, it is not a present day phenomenon. Throughout history woman have not enjoyed the same status as men. It is only recently that woman have been filling the same positions in the work place. Lastly, I believe that it will take much more time to eradicate this practice. For example, as more and more woman become the sole breadwinners in families, they will have to be compensated as such irrespective of their sex.

  54. Should housewives be paid a salary by the government? Why? (5-8)

  Yes, I believe housewives should be paid a salary by the government. Firstly, to be a housewife is a job just as any other, and one should be paid for what you are doing. Secondly, the more housewives there are, the better. For example, housewives can spend more time with their babies, and so lay the foundation of healthy relationships.



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