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雅思阅读有“玄机” 无处不在的信号词(3)
    七、 因果关系
例词:as, because, since, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, the caused of…
考点:The fourth question concerned the causes of the destruction of rainforests. Perhaps encouragingly, more than half of the pupils (59%) identified that it is human activities, which are destroying rainforests… (C4, P19,T11简答题)
解析:这道简答题的文本题就是问the reason for the loss of rainforests, 所以我们可以同通过原因信号词,判断考点的方位。

    八、 举例子和说明
例词:for example, for instance, that is to say, i.e., such as, including…
考点: Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton…(C5, P39, T5流程图)
解析:我们看到such as后面是举例子,such as 后面的例子可以作为定位词,woodflour, asbestos, cotton就是fillers的其中一种。Fillers 在这里就是一个概括性的词语,常常是考点。

例词:indicate that, suggest that, find out, conclude that, point out, report that, demonstrate that…
考点:But Byers points out that the benefits of increased exercise disappear rapidly after training stops, so any improvement in endurance resulting from juvenile play would be lost by adulthood.(C4, P50, T38配对题)

    二、表达主观观点statements, opinions
例词:say, believe, argue that, maintain that, claim…
考点:The UCSF researchers maintain that the simplest and most cost-effective action is to establish smoke-free work places, schools and public places. (C3, P20, T27分类题)
解析:这道分类题考察区分a finding和an opinion。表达个人观点(an opinion)带有一定的主观性,所用的信号词显然与客观事实发现(a finding)的有所区别。

例词: ‘word’, ——, word…
考点:In very significant cases of role change, e.g. from a soldier in the ranks to officer, from bachelor to married man, the change of role has to have a very obvious sign, hence rituals.(C3, P48, T37完成句子)


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