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  艺术设计中心学院Art Center College of Design,简称ACCD,是位于加州的一所艺术院校。该院校的本科申请每年都竞争激烈,来自各知名美院附中和有多年学习艺术经历的高中生往往都会申请这里。本科申请需要作品集并附带作品集描述。


  1. Who do you believe to be the three major artists and designers who are shaping the discipline you are interested in pursuing or who have influenced you? These should be individuals who have brought relevance to the world or to you in some social, political, emotional, economic, or other meaningful context. Explain why you feel they are important. In what ways do you want your own work to contribute to or make a difference in the world?



  2. Choose one of the essay questions below and respond in a personal and thoughtful way. We are especially interested in the depth of your thinking, as well as the quality of your writing ability (100 words or more).

  A. The ability to think critically and to approach the classroom with curiosity is vital to success at Art Center and in the professional world. Explain something that you once believed to be true that you have since come to question.


  B. Taking a risk comes more easily to some than to others, but for most it will be an important part of becoming an artist or designer. Explain a risk you've taken in your life that has paid off-exploring something new, confronting a fear or problem, or taking a stand on an issue.

  C同学申请的学校中就包括ACCD,意向专业是illustration。在GPA3.1,托福85分,无SAT的条件下,申请这个学校有一定的难度,而且C同学从未正式的学习过绘画,只是业余上过一些课外班,多数都靠自学。但C同学的作品风格鲜明,很有创意。在写文书的时候,经过和出出国老师进行的深入结构访谈,最终确定了Essay1中的三名大师分别是Andy Warhol,Teesha Moore和Adde Adesokan。分别强调了强烈的色彩对比风格,创新的拼贴画创作,以及街头摄影的独特角度。

  而在Essay2中,我们最终选择了第二个问题,事情很简单,帮助一所福利院在墙壁上作画,在紧迫的时间内完成了还需要加画一面墙,画还是不画,这是个问题。在文书中从事件的展现过程中巧妙的体现了学生的绘画功底和领导力,在讲述taking risk的同时也传递给学校其他的信息。



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