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面试官会问到的和可能 会遇到的问题

1. Please introduce yourself (your responsibility on daily basis if you have any work experience). 面试官可能会追问:What do your friends think of/evaluate you? //*What do you know about leadership? //Do you like activities outside class? //Do you have any hobby?

2. What do you usually do after work or weekend? (这里可以说说他有可能也喜欢做的事,顺便拍拍马屁。)

3. Would you introduce your present university to us?

4. What’s the view do your parents hold on your studying abroad?


5. Could you tell us the differences between British education and Chinese education?(难)

6. How did you prepare TOEFL/GMAT? 面试官可能会追问:Can you tell me the reason that why you have a high TOEFL score but low GPA?

7. *Do you have any team work experiences both in class and extra curriculum activities?

8. *Why do you choose the university (and the major)? And what do you know about the major? 其他问法:What will the major (such as Master of Science in Finance) help with your career? What do you learn in UCLA/or other universities? 面试官可能会追问:Do you know anyone in the university? //Do you have any other interesting fields besides finance?

9. From your materials, we can see you also choose other universities. Could you tell us why do you choose them? And what differences do you think between our university and others? 其他问法:How many schools are you applying? How about the processes?(得说几个)

10. *What can you contribute to the class and community in the university? 面试官可能会追问:What’s the biggest challenge in a team?

11. *How do you handle pressure? 其他问法:How do you overcome the challenges in your current job? //Please tell us about your most challenging time! //What kinds of difficulty did you meet, and how did you overcome it? 面试官可能会追问:What are your time management skills?

12. What’s your opinion on Obama’s policy of stimulating economic growth? If you were the President of America, what would you do to recover the national economy? (这问题在党国哪敢想啊!罪名可是分裂国家政权罪。)


13. *Do you have any internship experiences? How about tell us what have you learned from them? (跟职业目标紧密相联)

14. *What are your career goals (long term and short term)? 其他问法:*What will you do your part for the society in the future? //When you graduate from the university/MSM program, what would you do? Do you expect to work in US for a while or go back to china directly? 面试官可能会追问:Do you have any relationship network back in China? //Where do you want to work?

15. Is there anything you are proud of and you want to share with us? (自夸应该都是大家的长项哈) 其他问法:What’s your biggest accomplishment? (高频问题)

16. Why do you choose to come back to China instead of staying in US?


17. Please tell me something that I do not ask but you think it may be important.

18. Do you have any request for location on school (if there is any branch school) or accommodation? 面试官可能会追问:What’s your opinion on tuition?

19. I think that’s all. You can ask me some questions if you like.


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